Every 1 Voice Matters is a nonprofit organization designed to help kids break down communicative and social barriers such as stuttering, bullying and self-esteem to improve their quality of life.


Big Picture

Sherrika Myers noticed our work and fell in love with our attention to detail and our commitment to quality. She felt that because she was not a famous celebrity and did not have many previous interviews, that her organization would never get the exposure it needed. We saw the promise of her mission, the power of her story, the impact of her community events and drive to create positive change.


Sherrika created both a nonprofit and a children’s reading series that she wanted to grow locally and nationally through media and brand partnerships.


3 award nominations, 315+ media hits, 44 Million impressions (coverage views & online readership)

What We Did

Insights & strategy, brand messaging, executive positioning & thought leadership, content creation, brand awareness & advocacy, media relations, media training, community outreach & engagement, special events, strategic partnerships, analytics & monitoring